Sajjad Baghaee


Professional Computer Skills:

IoT Architecture and Design | Embedded Systems Development | Communication protocols (MQTT, LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, TCP/UDP) | M2M communıcatıon | Machine Learning | C/C++ | Python | ns-3 | mininet | ION-DTN | SDRs (USRP, RTL-SDR)

  • Engineering Software Proficiency: Advanced skills in MATLAB and Arduino IDE for system modeling and embedded programming in IoT.
  • Development Environment Expertise: Proficient in Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and CodeLite, enhancing software development workflows.
  • Data Science and Analysis Tools: Expert in utilizing NumPy, SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Jupyter notebook for comprehensive data analysis, machine learning modeling, and interactive visualization in IoT projects.
  • Operating Systems Knowledge: Well-versed in both Windows and Linux, enabling versatile IoT development and testing environments.
  • Programming Language Mastery: Demonstrated expertise in Python and C++ for developing sophisticated, scalable IoT applications.
  • Network Simulation Competence: Experienced in ns-3 and Mininet-WiFi for in-depth network protocol simulation and IoT connectivity testing.
  • SDR Proficiency: Skilled in using SDRs (USRP, RTL-SDR) and GNU Radio for wireless communication system development and experimentation.